Submission Form & Letter FAQs

This page addresses some frequently-asked questions regarding submission forms and supporting letters.

You might also be interested in Guides to The Submission Process, outlining how forms flow through the system and the various roles involved in reviewing them, or Understanding SENA, which describes the rules for what may be registered.

Obtaining Submission Forms

Each kingdom has its own specific set of heraldry submission forms, although they are all made from the same template.

You can find your kingdom’s submission forms on your kingdom’s heraldic website, along with information on how to submit them and the fees.

It’s important to use the latest version of the forms available; submissions on old forms will be returned.

Filling Out Submission Forms

There are separate forms for names and for armory.

Filling Out Forms for an SCA Branch

Procedures are slightly different if you are submitting on behalf of an SCA branch group.

Here is a sample form for such a petition:

About Supporting Letters

Some submissions require supporting letters or petitions.

These documents are based on the suggested standard form letters found in the Administrative Handbook. You can fill them in as is, or edit them as needed for your situation.

You will need to send in signed versions of the documents you use — either signed paper forms or an electronically-signed document. Per Admin Handbook IV.C.3, an email is admissible if a physical signature cannot be obtained and the sender in the email can be verified by a kingdom herald.

Letters for Submissions

Permission to Conflict or Claim Relationship:

Blanket Letters of Permission

Existing Registration Allowance and Legal Name Allowance:

Letters for Transfers

To transfer already-registered items from one person to another, each person needs to complete and sign a letter.

Heraldic Wills

Heraldic Wills are documents that tell Laurel what to do with your items after you pass away. Like a regular will, there are many options. Here are templates for some of the most common. If you want to do something not covered by these templates, please contact your Principal Herald for assistance in drafting an acceptable Heraldic Will.